Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Instant Foods and it's Effects

A metro, undoubtedly allures college goers, job holders, tourists and people of all ages to have a crunchy bite of chips, pizzas, hot dogs, cheese burgers, fried chicken, have pitchers of soda and hamburgers. Sounds mouth-watering, vitalizing and refreshing!! Imagine, what if these foods are served with some sweetened beverages like non-diet soft drinks/sodas, camouflaged juice drinks, flavored lemonade and electrolyte replacement drinks!! Well! All these treats are called as junk foods that are useless and unwanted as junk in our house. People take these foods due to urgency, hunger and even as a symbol of partying and celebration.

The city is badly suffused with such junk foods and the so called fast food centers compete among themselves and market their products by fabrication to enhance their savory, spicy, chocolaty, seasoned, syrupy, buttery, cheesy zing and aroma. Appetizing, lip-smacking, palatable and satiating, these eatables are nevertheless a bane to the human body. They do more harm than good to each one of us. The city and its suburbs contain pollution, dust, smoke and contamination in all forms. Added to it is the proliferation of fast food centers and small dhabbas. These places use unkempt water and cheap quality ingredients that are decorated and made tangy.

As a small pill can cure our illness, so also an ounce and iota of such foods taken in the long run, can reduce our immunity power, trigger digestive problems, cause fatigue, aggrandize the risk of heart disease and nullify our energy levels. Junk foods are high in fat, sodium and sugar, which can lead to obesity and its post effects. These foods are acidic in nature Junk food doesn’t contain the nutrients our body needs to stay healthy. In short term, eating too much junk food can lead to mood swings with post effects of lowering our energy levels, making us lethargic.

Longevity and healthy life style comes with partaking of balanced diet that contains fruits , vegetables, greens, sprouts, milk, fiber, eggs, cereals, fish , meats, nuts , berries, sea food etc. After all, health is real wealth in this world. A millionaire becomes a pauper if he is physically diseased. It doesn’t mean that we should shun fast foods but fast food nutrition should make up a minimal part of a healthy diet, instead of placing it as top priority of one’s diet. To avoid fast foods is to have a complete, happy and healthy life.